About Paul Wheaton

Paul Wheaton is a powerful advocate of permaculture. He was dubbed the Duke of Permaculture by both Geoff Lawton and Sepp Holzer, and The Bad Boy of Permaculture by Occupy Monsanto.

Paul is the owner of,,, Master Gardener Program, Free Heat, Solar Food Dehydrator, and Wheaton Labs. He began his journey toward permaculture innovation in 1995. At that time, he had created Bananacom, a program used to communicate between computers before there was even the internet. He received his Advanced Master Gardener certificate in 1997, and started writing articles about permaculture techniques in 1999 (he also started a forum to discuss java programming at the same time). Five years later, in 2004, Paul started up his permaculture forums. And things have grown exponentially since!
Permaculture Films:
Rocket Oven: How Cooking Food Can Save the World
The Rocket Oven DVD is a feature length DVD topping out at 2 hours and 12 minutes of film, which will help you not only build your own rocket oven, but also understand the science behinds it.. This is a clean, efficient way to cook that makes delicious food, all while being better for the planet!
Online Permaculture Design Course and Appropriate Technology Course
177 hours of permaculture education, for you to view and learn from at your own pace. This is the complete recording of Paul's 2017 Permaculture Design Course and Appropriate Technology Course.
Online Garden Master Course
Comprehensive master gardening course alternative, for you to view and learn from at your own pace. With experienced instructor Helen Atthowe – learn about regenerative agriculture, permaculture, and go beyond the teachings of Masanobu Fukuoka.
Better Wood Heat: DIY Rocket Mass Heater Videos
8 DVD set on how to make your own Rocket Mass Heater, as well as the science, technology, and innovation that went into designing the rocket mass heater.
World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set
This 3-DVD set covers two seperate earthwork workshops. The workshops covered the earthworks for building a pond without a liner, a swale, and a hugelkultur bed on a terrace.
Permaculture Print Media:

Building a Better World in your Backyard
Make a huge, positive, global difference from your own home! Prioritize comfort over sacrifice while saving thousands of dollars. Explore dozens of solutions and their impacts on carbon footprint, petroleum footprint, toxic footprint, and other environmental issues.
Join Paul and Shawn on a journey featuring simple alternatives that you may have never heard of — alternatives which are about building a more symbiotic relationship with nature so we can all be even lazier. Nurture nature and nature nurtures us all.
Written by Paul Wheaton and Shawn Klassen-Koop and illustrated by Tracy Wandling.

Permaculture Playing Cards:
a gardener gift
While these are fully functional poker cards, their primary purpose is to show people the rich diversity of permaculture. Permaculture embraces gardening well beyond organic, plus natural building, greening the deserts, alternative energy, feeding the world and blazing a trail for less toxic living.
These cards were created with the idea of "what would be a great holiday gift that I could give to my friends and family that thinks my permaculture lifestyle is crazy. Something they would enjoy, and that might make me seem less crazy and it's a stocking stuffer too!"
Designed by Paul Wheaton, and illustrated by Alexander Ojeda.
Permaculture Podcasts:
Paul had made over 480 podcasts, and is still going strong!
All of Paul's Permaculture Podcasts, for Free!
To keep his free podcasts flowing, you can support him through patreon
Listen to Paul's latest podcast about the low tech movie event here.
Permaculture Videos:
Paul has an extensive youtube channel full of free content! You can find it Here.
Here's one of his many videos:
To keep him pumping out videos, you can support him through Patreon.
Wheaton Labs Events and Education Opportunities:
Permaculture Bootcamp:
Bootcamp is like WWOOFing with benefits. It's a way to take part in epic--and not so epic--homesteading and permaculture activities. And gain skills in the process! And, if you stick around, you get your own plot of land to build and grow on! For more information or to sign up for the bootcamp click HERE
More Events at Wheaton Labs:
Some of the many events hosted at Wheaton Labs:
- Permaculture Design Course -- Learn Permaculture design science, taught by some of the biggest experts in the field!
- Permaculture Technology Jamboree -- A innovative event with a multitude of instructors both teaching and creating new technologies to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.
- SKills to Inherit Property -- In this event, you'll learn permaculture and homesteading skills through doing and creating useful things.

Paul Wheaton tolerates questions from the audience, mostly so he can do his part to let them know how utterly misinformed they are. It’s a thankless job but someone has to do it. Source.
Paul has presented speeches at over 100 events and conferences. He is also available for online and local events. Paul charges $4,000 plus first-class airfare. Paid in advance.
Here are some of the many subjects he has presented on:
- rocket mass heaters
- hugelkultur - the ultimate raised bed garden
- wofati - a new natural building design
- replacing irrigation with permaculture
- truly passive greenhouse
- skills to inherit property
- homestead on a budget
- permaculture thorns
- 72 bricks
He presented to 140 people in Oceanside, California and they recorded more than two hours of that. You can see it here.
He presented to over 200 people as the Keynote Speaker at the Southern California Permaculture Convergence:
For information on phone and in-person consulting, look HERE.
Permaculture Forums and Emails:
Paul is the owner of, the world's largest permaculture site and a forum devoted to finding permaculture solutions without getting bogged down by trolls and nay-sayers.
You can sign up for the permies community newsletter, and get spiffy freebies, too, here!
Paul's Programming Side:
Code Ranch:
In Paul's past life, he was a software engineer. In 1998, he made a web site about some of his philosophies and it grew into a rather large community about java programming. This has expanded in a forum for discussing all kinds of programming. You can find out more at Code Ranch.
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