Permaculture Bootcamp at Wheaton Labs
This video explains what the the Permaculture Bootcamp at Wheaton Labs is about. Bootcamp is a way to learn permaculture and homesteading skills through hard work with a community of like-mined individuals. Through Bootcamp, you not only learn a bunch of skills, you can earn rent for your own acre of land, or tickets to events like the Permaculture Design Course, Permaculture Technology Jamboree, SKIP (Skills to Inherit Property) event, or the Certified Garden Master Course.
Here's the summary from the video description:
I’m Paul Wheaton and here’s a video which gives insight of the permaculture bootcamp at Wheaton Labs featuring Fred Tyler & Cliff Ponder. Fred Tyler (land manager and bootcamp coordinator for Wheaton Labs) explains what the permaculture bootcamp at Wheaton Labs is and benefits for the participants. The Bootcamp program in a nutshell: work on permaculture and homesteading projects, get a bunk and some basic food staples. You pay $100, work, and then receive tickets to our events or even an acre of land.
Participants get experience with:
- using a variety of rocket mass heaters
- harvesting wood for building, burning, hugelkultur, mulch, etc.
- building furniture and structures from roundwood
- building fences - building with cob
- earthworks, ponds, hugelkultur
- permaculture gardening
- cooking
- cooking with wood fired stuff
- wildcrafting
- solving homesteading issues
- scything
Fred points out how people come and build skills and exchange skills. Fred went through the program and now has two acres. A recent project included a lot of roundwood timber framing. In the video we see Michelle and Tuesday harvesting sunchokes with Fred.
Cliff Ponder, a bootcamp participant talks about his experiences in bootcamp learning round wood timber framing with master artisan Bear Paw and Nick Fouch. Cliff was here for a couple of months and then attended the permaculture design course and appropriate technology course for free - as a sort of work trade. Cliff talks about building paddocks with our junkpole fence style and rock jacks (above-ground fence posts used in rocky terrain).
Here's a bunch more videos showcasing life in the Wheaton Labs Bootcamp:
Relevant Threads on Permies:
- Permaculture Bootcamp
- Ant Village
- The Couch Balcony
- Deep Roots
- Wheaton Labs forum
- First Wofati Greenhouse
- Permaculture Bootcamp in Winter
- SKIP: SKills to Inherit Property
- Boots Love
- Biological Reverse Kickstarter funds for Boots at Wheaton Labs
- best, simple summary of all things Wheaton Labs
Relevant pages around the web: - Official Permaculture Bootcamp website
- Paul Wheaton and Wheaton labs are they a good choice for my family.
- Thoughts and Opinions on Wheaton Labs
- Talking Shit about Paul Wheaton… My PDC Experience
- All About Wheaton Labs
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